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METDAS Real Time Display Software

General Description

METDAS Display Software is a core software component of the Weather Web 8700 system. It displays and stores data streamed to it via a METHUB Met Data Receiver, arriving from geographically distributed wireless TMS-7200 weather sensors.

METDAS provides time wind data link to Hazard and Prediction Capability (HPAC) Transport and Dispersion plume models, and distributes data that HAZMAT teams need for monitoring environmental conditions in a metropolitan area.









Four real-time data views include:

1. Area map with real-time wind barbs

2. Terminal view of raw receiver data

3. Model link data log and error messages

4. Real-time wind speed/direction data table

As data are displayed and archived locally to disk, they are also formatted and sent to HPAC via a live TCP/IP connection. Either TCP/IP or telephone dial-up can be used to access the data receiver. A TCP/IP connection is required for the model link.


Can be run in the background to allow the user to let their PC perform other tasks

Local area map with real-time wind data

Supports Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP

Easy-to-read wind barbs show both wind speed and direction as it changes

MS-Excel and HPAC data interfaces

Supports RAD-7001 radiation data display

METDAS real-time view of average wind conditions in a metropolitan area. Data can be ingested into HPAC automatically via TCP/IP.


METDAS displays data from each TMS-7200 station via wind barbs on a local map and via a data table, updated once a minute. It is ideal for:

Emergency response/HAZMAT

Homeland Security NBC attacks

Military tactical weather

Government meteorological agencies

Wildland fire weather support

Regulatory compliance at industrial sites

METDAS Software is supplied on CD-ROM and includes one user license. For the model link a US Defense Threat Reduction Agency weather user account login is required (government use only).